

The aim of the course: is to make the students familiar with the concept of quantum contextuality.

Prerequisites for the course: The course is self-contained; it does not presuppose the knowledge of quantum mechanics or the mathematical foundations thereof.

Course schedule:

  1. Classical and quantum probability
  2. Operationalist and realist interpretations
  3. Properties and propensities
  4. Individual and ensemble interpetation
  5. The Kochen-Specker theorem
  6. The GHZ pentagram and the Peres-Merminn square
  7. Hardy's paradox and the possibility tables
  8. The Popescu-Rohrlich box
  9. The graph theoretical approach
  10. The sheaf theoretical approach
  11. Contextuality and locality
  12. Psi-ontic and Psi-epistemic ontological models
  13. The PBR theorem


  • Budroni et al. "Kochen-Specker contextuality" arXiv

Introductory notes on the mathematics needed for quantum theory
: pdf.

Lecture notes: here.