Report on HOPOS-related resources in Hungary

Hungary has a long history (the first Hungarian king was crowned one thousand years ago), but this history is full of difficulties, especially in the last five centuries. The lack of stable historical and political conditions have had a contradictionary influence on the Hungarian intellectual life: the position and the survival capacities of scientific institutions of the country have regularly been very unstable or weak, but the intellectual abilities of those scientists and thinkers who were able to survive in the disadvantageous environment became strong and their thinking was extraordinarily formed and developed. As an illustration it can be mentioned that the first universities in Hungary were established in the fourteenth century, but they did not survive the historical troubles, and the oldest permanently functioning university was established in the seventeenth century. If we consider the human, or personal aspect of the intellectual history the great number of successful Hungarian scientific emigrants (John von Neumann, Leo Szilárd, Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, John Kemeny, Theodore von Kármán, Dénes Gábor, Michael Polányi, Imre Lakatos, etc.) is conspicuous. These scientists grow up and (at least partly) educated in the country and because of the weak institutional and political conditions they have had to go abroad to do science in an international level, but their thinking in this new environment were considered as a strange, unusual or mysterious. (This is the source of the myth of the appearance of the "Martians" - talented Hungarian immigrants - around 1930 in the USA. See e. g. George Marx: "The Martians" vision of future", or his book entitled "Voice of the Martians", Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1997.) There is a very characteristic data: among the dozen of Hungarian Nobel laureate scientists we can find only one, who performed his research in Hungary.

These historical tendencies persist, they preserved their validity and the intellectual processes in the present Hungary have a very similar nature to the historical ones. In the last few years the complete scientific institutional system has been forced to transform - partly because of financial difficulties, partly because of the ideological constraints of the systemic change in Eastern Europe. In this process the universities had to decrease their staff and at the same time to increase radically the number of students, a number of smaller universities and colleges were unified with larger institutions, the network of the research institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences were transformed and essentially cut down, the official system of scientific qualification was changed, etc. A great number of Hungarian scientists have to work in abroad because of the lack of possibilities and the disadvantageous conditions in the country. Hopefully these "new Martians" will be similarly successful as their great predecessors were.

In spite of the tradition of instabilities and uncertainties in life a Hungarian cultural tradition has been emerged during the history of the country. This culture is rather centered around the arts (poetry, music, film) than philosophy, it is rather scientific (mathematics and physics) than technology-oriented. This means that there were numerous significant Hungarian artists as well as scientists with original ideas in mathematics and physics, but there were only very few original philosophical thinkers. In philosophy first the French, later the German and in the last century the Soviet influence was a determinant factor and the most part of the Hungarian philosophy was a simple recapitulation of their ideas. The first significant era of Hungarian philosophy was created by the decay of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy around the end of nineteenth and the beginning of twentieth century. In this period many interesting individual thinkers and circles of intellectuals entered the stage, e. g. the young Michael Polányi and Karl Mannheim. Of course, Georg Lukács' thinking rooted also in this intellectual atmosphere. The original Hungarian philosophy practically started with Lukács. His influence was determinant among the progressive Hungarian intellectuals (including the young Imre Lakatos), especially after the Second World War, in the time of the formation (and deformation) of the socialist-oriented Hungary. A group of younger philosophers (Ágnes Heller, György Márkus, Mihály Vajda, Ferenc Fehér) around Lukács formed the so called Budapest School of philosophy. Now they represent primarily the philosophy in Hungary.

The recent Hungarian intellectual life has a specific, post-socialist, or post-Marxist characteristic, which appears in the philosophy, too. After the decades of the dominance of the official Marxist ideology, now the hermeneutics, phenomenology, postmodernism and in some respect the positivism have been accepted and popularized. In the context of the official Marxist ideology many problems of philosophy of science were treated in a special terminology, e. g. as certain problems of dialectical or historical materialism. The enforcement of the Western standards of philosophy of science instead of the official phraseology and way of thinking was a difficult and long process, and its proponents were sometimes considered by the state institutions as the sympathisers or members of the political opposites. In Hungary Márta Fehér, Ferenc Altrichter, and László Vekerdi proposed first and forced effectively this westernization process from the sixties-seventies of the twentieth century. There appeared translated books and papers, philosophical seminars, schools and conferences were organized in this "new" spirit. The philosophy of science as an accepted discipline of philosophy appeared in Hungary around 1980-1985. The first department under this name (the present Department of History and Philosophy of Science at Eötvös University) was established in 1994.

In this situation it is possible to study the Hungarian contributions to the philosophy of science and research its history in Hungary as well. Philosophers of science as Michael Polányi, Karl Mannheim, and Imre Lakatos has Hungarian roots, cultural, and ideological links, so it is probably true that the Hungarian history of philosophy of science is more rich that the actual Hungarian history and philosophy of science. In fact there is no strict demarcation between certain problems of history of science, history of philosophy and philosophy of science, so it would be useful to add to the list of Hungarian philosophers of science a genuine philosopher, Georg Lukács, whose aesthetical, and historical works have many relevant and very important idea about science. (The similarities between Polányi and Lukács is discovered in the last years at least by those secret activists, who time to time destroy the memorial tablets on the walls of their past dwelling-house in Budapest.)

The Hungarian intellectual life is not very extended, only a few people works at a department or at an institute in a topic, so in this description besides the institutions I will mention the philosophers who works on the theme at the institutions as well. My sincerest apologies to those who I may have forgotten to mention here.

For further information on Hungarian academia, see the 'Hungary' article by I. Végvári in the Encyclopedia of Higher Education, Volume 1 (National Systems of Higher Education) Burton R. Clark and Guy R. Neave, editors, Pergamon Press, 1992 [Oxford, New York, Seoul, Tokyo], and 'Hungary' article pp. 680-702 in The World of Learning 2000, Fiftieth edition, Europa Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, and the 'Hungary' article by Gábor Halász in International Higher Education. An Encyclopedia Volume 2 Edited by Philip G. Altbach, Garland Publishing Inc. New York & London, 1991, and Gabriella Ujlaki's paper: 'Report: After Twenty Years Philosophy of Science in Hungary' Journal for Philosophy of Science, 25, pp. 157-175, 1994.

Up-to-date information on many Hungarian cities, services, addresses, Internet links, events can be found at the Hungarian home page Telephone and fax numbers are given here in the complete format for dialling from abroad to Hungary. The country code is 36, which is followed by the code of the area (in the case of Budapest this is 1) and finally dial the number of the institution. When calling from the country, dial '06' instead the number of country code. Calling a number of the same area unnecessary to dial the area code, so e. g. calling from Budapest to another Budapest number dial only the last 7 digits. Regarding the addresses I preferred the mailing address of the institutions instead of their street address.

Academic and Scholarly Institutions


Eötvös University (EU)

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE)

H-1364 Budapest Pf. 109

tel: +36-1-2669833

The oldest continuously functioning Hungarian university was founded in 1635 at Nagyszombat (now called Trnava in Slovak Republic) by cardinal Péter Pázmány and moved to the capital in the end of eighteenth century as the Royal Hungarian University of Sciences. Now it has many faculties, colleges, institutes, and departments in all fields of sciences except engineering, medicine and economics. It is one of the most significant centers of scientific research and the education of teachers in Hungary.

Eötvös University

Department of History and Philosophy of Science

ELTE Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Tanszék

H-1518 Budapest Pf. 32


The Department (DHPS) is an important center of the HOPOS-related activities in Hungary. It belongs to the Faculty of Sciences of Eötvös University (EU). DHPS consists of 7 tenured faculty and one permanent guest lecturer; 3 further lecturers are also affiliated with the department on a temporary basis. Members of DHPS typically have a degree both in one of the sciences and in philosophy, which is advantageous in view of the teaching profile of the Department: in doing service-teaching in the area of history and philosophy of science for students in natural sciences at EU. The DHPS participates in several PhD programs at the Faculty of Science and at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science at BUTE. The main research profile of the DHPS is history, philosophy and foundations of science. George Kampis, the chair of the DHPS (email: works in history and philosophy of biology, theory of evolution, artificial life and artificial intelligence, cognitive science, theory of systems, and epistemology and philosophy of science. He is the director of a PhD program in cognitive science at the EU. Miklós Rédei's research interests concern foundational and philosophical problems of modern physics, especially quantum theory and classical statistical mechanics, and related more general issues in philosophy of science such as the interpretation of probability and theories of probabilistic causation. Péter Szegedi is doing research in history, philosophy, and sociology of physics, especially in the themes of interpretational problems of quantum theory and determinism and physics. He works in certain historical aspects of philosophy of science (positivism, sociology of knowledge, strong programme), and history of natural philosophy as well. László Ropolyi interested in philosophy of science (social constructivism, hermeneutics as philosophy of science, Imre Lakatos, philosophy of physics, Internet philosophy), in history of science (Aristotelian physics, thermodynamics, dynamical theories of sciences), and in history of natural philosophy. Gábor Kutrovátz's research and teaching fields are: logic; history of logic; history and philosophy of mathematics; history, philosophy and methodology of science in general. László E. Szabó (who works partly at the Department of Theoretical Physics) interested in philosophy of physics, recently in conceptual and philosophical problems of space-time physics, branching space-time, and foundations of quantum theory. He is a member of the IUHPS/DLMPS Executive Committee, and the organizer of the Philosophy of Science Seminar of the department. László Székely, a fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Philosophical Research has a close teaching and research contact with the DHPS, especially in the fields of history of astronomy and cosmology, and hermeneutics as a philosophy of science. The DHPS is the home institute of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (ISHS), Budapest Center at the DHPS of EU, and an organizer of the Annual Conferences of Hungarian Cognitivists. The members of the DHPS has a number of international and Hungarian publications in the field, they have extensive international contacts (in Europe and USA) and cooperations with science and philosophy departments at the EU and other Hungarian universities and the number of research grants awarded.

Eötvös University

Institute of Philosophy

ELTE BTK Filozófia Intézet

H-1364 Budapest Pf. 107

tel:+36-1-2663769; +36-1-2664612

This is the traditional center of the education of philosophy in the country. The institute has 4 departments (two for history of philosophy, one for general philosophy and one for logic). Teaching is strongly motivated by historical approach of the philosophical topics and problems. Hermeneutics, phenomenology, and the analytic tradition have dominant role in researches and in every level of treaning. Philosophy of science is a (small) part of the curriculum for philosophers with an emphasis on philosophy of social sciences. Researches in the HOPOS-related fields are rather sporadic at the philosophical departments of the institute. János Kelemen (the director of the institute) has significant works focused on historical problems of the borderland of philosophy of language and philosophy of science. Ágnes Erdélyi interested in philosophy of social sciences, like Dilthey's and Max Weber's ideas. István M. Fehér has some works on historical aspects of the interrelations between hermeneutics and sciences. About 30 years ago György Bence wrote an important (in that time rejected, recently highly celebrated) dissertation on a critical approach to the Marxian philosophy of science, but by now his interesting field has been changed.

Eötvös University

Institute of Philosophy

Department of Logic and Methodology of Science

ELTE BTK Szimbolikus logika és Tudománymetodológia Tanszék

H-1364 Budapest Pf. 107

tel: +36-1-2664195

The activity of this department of the Institute of Philosophy has a close relationship to philosophy of science. Its major research areas include philosophy of logic, application of logics in metaphysics (András Máté), in linguistics, in sociology, and in economics (Imre Ruzsa, Anna Madarász, László Pólos), philosophy of mathematics, history of logic (András Máté). Tibor Szécsényi works in structuralist philosophy of science. Together with the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Department runs The Logic Postgraduate School Budapest. The curriculum of the School beside the regular logic courses includes some historical courses, like history of logic, Tarski and trends in 20th century philosophical logic, philosophy of foundations of mathematics.

Eötvös University

Institute of Sociology and Social Policy

ELTE Szociológiai és Szociálpolitikai Intézet

H-1518 Budapest Pf. 32

tel: +36-1-2090555

Some members of this institute interested in methodological and philosophical problems of social systems. Anna Wessely is working on sociology of knowledge including its historical aspects, e.g. Mannheim's works, Nikosz Fokasz's research focus on chaos, fractals and complexity in social systems. Péter Somlai and Dénes Némedi published some books on history and philosophy of social theories.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE)

Budapesti Mûszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME)

H-1521 Budapest Pf. 91

tel: +36-1-4631111; fax: +36-1-4631110

The BUTE comes into existence from the university founded by Péter Pázmány in 1635 at Nagyszombat. In 1782 the Institutum Geometricum as part of its Faculty of Liberal Arts was established, which is the direct predecessor of the BUTE. It is among the first, of institutions in Europe, to train engineers on the university level. Now more than 110 departments and institutes operate within the structure of seven faculties. The BUTE issues most of Hungary's engineering diplomas.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Philosophy and History of Science

BME Filozófia és Tudománytörténet Tanszék

H-1111 Budapest Stoczek u. 2-4

tel: +36-1-4631181; fax: +36-1-4631042

This is an important center devoted to researches in and teaching of HOPOS-related areas in Hungary. The Department (DPHS) belongs to the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the BUTE. Its main activity consists in doing service-teaching in different fields of philosophy (ethics, argumentation and critical reasoning, STS, philosophy and history of science) for the engineering undergraduates of the BUTE. The Department also has graduate programs at the PhD. level and (starting next year) at the MA level, in collaboration with other departments of the BUTE and EU. The DPHS comprises eight tenured faculty members and 2-3 senior Ph.D. students who participate in delivering the teaching load and cooperate in the research work. There is a subgroup within the DPHS consisting of Tihamér Margitay, the chair of the DPHS (, Márta Fehér and István Zentai (and PhD. students) who are active in doing research work and giving courses especially in philosophy and history of science. Their main fields of interest/research are: (1) history of the methodology of science, (2) history of 17th c. physics, (3) philosophy of 20th c. physics/cosmology, (4) trends in 20th c. philosophy of science (Kuhnian and post-Kuhnian), (5) sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK), the Bloorian type "strong program". Márta Fehér, the former chair of the department is the founding queen of the realm of the Hungarian philosophy of science, it would be meaningless to define her interesting or working field: in fact everything belongs to her realm. The DPHS initiated the establishing of the Michael Polanyi Liberal Philosophical Association (MPLPhA). The Association (the office of which is located at the premises of the DPHS) is organizing workshops and conferences with international participation. The DPHS hosted two Fulbright visiting professors (Alan Soble and Walter Gulick) in the last few years, as well as other scholars to give short courses, lectures and doing research work here. Among the recent visitors are: Ivo Schneider (Munich), Peter Vardy (Twente U., Enschede), Imre Tóth (Paris), S. R. Jha (Harvard, USA). The DPHS is in regular scholarly cooperation with the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the Eötvös University as well as the Institute of Philosophy of EU, and the Institute for Philosophical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Within the framework of this cooperation there are jointly organised workshops, seminars and colloquia in philosophy and history of science.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Innovation Studies and History of Technology

BME Innovációmenedzsment és Technikatörténet Tanszék

H-1111 Budapest Stoczek u. 2-4

tel: +36-1-4631074; fax: +36-1-4631412


This is a newly established department chaired by Imre Hronszky (email: with eighth tenured faculty members and eight PhD students. The basic research topics are the followings: innovation studies, including philosophically relevant topics as methodologies of engineering, innovation as a philosophical problem; history of technology, including investigation on methodology of trend extrapolation, and the nature of historical knowledge; history of chemistry, including philosophical factors in the history of chemistry, like the role of positivistic methodology in the 19th century chemistry; and EU studies, including the construction of Europe. The department contributes to the functioning of the history and philosophy PhD program at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science of BUTE.

Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Administration

Department of Philosophy

Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem

Filozófia Tanszék

H-1093 Budapest Fõvám tér 8

tel: +36-1-2188189

Olga Kiss is working on history and philosophy of science. Her primary interesting fields are history and philosophy of mathematics, and hermeneutics as philosophy of science. She is an organizer of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science.

Central European University (CEU)

Department of Philosophy

H-1051 Budapest Nádor u. 11

tel: +36-1-3273806; fax:+36-1-3273072


CEU is an institution of post-graduate education (in English) in social sciences and humanities founded and financially supported mainly by George Soros. Now the President and Rector of the CEU is Yehuda Elkana, an author of important books and papers in history and philosophy of science. CEU serves as an advanced center of research and policy analysis contributing to the development of more open societies. It has three teaching sites: New York, Budapest, and Warsaw. The Department of Philosophy is located in Budapest. This department has a philosophy PhD program. Staff includes philosophers involved into philosophy of science: Ferenc Huoranszki (metaphysics, philosophy of mind), Katalin Farkas (philosophy of language, epistemology), Howard M. Robinson (philosophy of mind); and visiting professors as György Márkus (theory of culture, history of philosophy) and Nenad Miscevic (conceptual knowledge). They are frequent speakers of the Philosophy of Science Seminar of the Department of HPS at EU.

Collegium Budapest. Institute for Advanced Study

H-1014 Budapest Szentháromság u. 2

tel: +36-1-2248300; fax:+36-1-2248310

The first Institute for Advanced Study in Central and Eastern Europe was founded in 1991. In every year 25-30 scholars (from social sciences, humanities, and the natural sciences) are invited to work for an academic year. Lectures, workshops and smaller conferences are organized at the Collegium time to time. In the last few years Richard Rorty, Yehuda Elkana, Helga Novotny, György Márkus, John Maynard Smith, Thomas Sebeok, Barry Loewer, and many other scholars visited to the Collegium.

The Invisible College. Budapest

Láthatatlan Kollégium

H-1364 Budapest 4 Pf. 232

tel/fax: +36-1-3221325; +36-1-3217544


The college was established in 1992. It is a non-profit institution of higher education, financed by charitable contributions, which offers a supplementary education program to a select group of 60-70 gifted students, on both the undergraduate and doctoral levels, enabling them to develop their talents to the full extent. Tutors in history and philosophy of science are available for the students of the college.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (MTA)

H-1051 Budapest Roosevelt tér 9

tel: +36-1-4116100

Founded in 1825 to advance and organize the scientific activity in Hungary. It has elected members, departments, committees, and rights to give awards and scientific degrees, and an administrative apparatus to support the functioning of the network of its research groups and institutes. This network was essentially cat down in the last two decades, but besides the universities with their few thousand scientists this network represents a fundamental component of the Hungarian science. The network of research institutes includes some HOPOS-related institutes, as well.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Philosophical Research

MTA Filozófiai Kutatóintézet

H-1054 Budapest Szemere u. 10


The institute has about 30 research fellows. Its main research area (studied by a group around the director of the institute, Kristóf Nyíri) is the philosophy of communication based on the orality/literacy/post-typography ideas of Eric Havelock and Walter Ong. The historical aspects of the topic and its recent development are investigated as well. The problems of information society, the Internet and the networking are incorporated into this context and analyzed in details. An international virtual university has been created and maintained ( and a Hungarian open university site ( operates in the framework of the project. Some fellows of the institute work on historical and recent problems of philosophy of science. Vera Békés basically interested in Kuhn and Polányi. She amplified the Kuhnian theory of paradigm and in this way successfully applied it to the history of linguistics. János Laki interested in the historically versions of philosophy of science, e.g. positivism, Kuhn, hermeneutics. László Székely works in history and philosophy of cosmology and he researches the possible role of hermeneutics in history and philosophy of natural sciences. Gábor Palló works in the history of Hungarian scientific activity, including sciences, philosophy and philosophy of science. He has a rich collection of oral interviews with prominent Hungarian-rooted scientists from all around the world.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics

MTA Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet

H-1364 Budapest Pf. 127

tel: +36-1-4838302; fax: +36-1-4838333


Founded in 1949. The institute had been a very peculiar role in the field of history and philosophy of science. Its first director, Alfréd Rényi, published a nice collection of Pascal's (fictitious) letters to Fermat about the fundamental problems of probability. Imre Lakatos was a member of the institute between 1954 and 1956. He translated some mathematical books into Hungarian, studied mathematics together with other members, and read philosophy of science here. Later on, Lakatos' earlier teacher and friend, Árpád Szabó, was a member of the institute working on his word-famous conception about the beginning of Greek mathematics. The present staff of the Institute consists of about 70 members from various fields of mathematics. The algebraic logic research group has a collaboration with the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science of EU and a stable contact with some members of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of EU. István Németi has some works in foundations and philosophy of science, including its historical aspects, as well.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics

Department of Biophysics

MTA KFKI RMKI Neurobiológia és nukleáris biofizika csoport

H-1525 Budapest Pf. 49

tel: +36-1-3959220; fax: +36-1-3959151

This department investigates the functional organization and performance of certain neural structures by mathematical and computational models. Péter Érdi, the head of department is interested in a broader context of these problems, and he writes in cognitive science and philosophy of science as well.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Computer and Automation Research Institute

MTA Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutató Intézet

H-1518 Budapest Pf. 63

tel: +36-1-4665644; fax: +36-1-4667503

Tibor Vámos, the chairman of board of the Institute works also on the fields of cognitive science, systems research, history and philosophy of science, social context of knowledge and the fundamental problems of information society.


University of Debrecen

Debreceni Egyetem

H-4010 Debrecen Egyetem tér 1

tel: +36-52-412060; fax: +36-52-416490

The roots of higher education in Debrecen go back to the sixteenth century: the Reformed College of Debrecen was founded in 1538. It has had a nation-wide leading role in the preservation and development of Hungarian education and culture for centuries. The university was founded in 1912. A world-famous Summer School was founded in 1927, which is still one of the most important organizations for the teaching of the Hungarian language. Now the university complex operates with five university and three college level faculties, and several independent institutes. Imre Lakatos was born in Debrecen and he was a student of the university in mathematics, physics, and humanities between 1940-1944. Based on his dissertation in 1948 he received a Sub Laurea Almae Matris Doctorate from the University.

University of Debrecen

Institute of Philosophy

Debreceni Egyetem

Filozófiai Intézet

H-4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1

tel: +36-52-412060/2573 ext.; fax: +36-52-346017

The institute is made up of three departments: philosophy, aesthetics, and history of philosophy. The HOPOS-related activity is concentrated at the Department of Philosophy. Here besides the contemporary philosophies there is a research in logic, philosophy of logic (Tamás Mihálydeák and János Kovács) and philosophy of science (Tamás Mihálydeák and István Kelemen). The institute has an MA program in philosophy and a PhD program in modern philosophy directed by Mihály Vajda. The institute publishes the philosophical essay periodical: Care (Gond).


University of Szeged

Szegedi Tudományegyetem

H-6720 Szeged Dugonics tér 13

tel: +36-62-544001; fax: +36-62-420412

The predecessor of the university was founded in 1872 at Kolozsvár (now Cluj in Romania) - even Georg Lukács studied law temporarily at that university in 1906. This university moved to Szeged in 1921 and became a significant center of research in mathematics and biology. In the last year all regional universities and colleges were unified into one institution with many faculties and depatments. It has a well organized library (

University of Szeged

Department of Philosophy

Szegedi Tudományegyetem

Filozófia Tanszék

H-6722 Szeged Petõfi sgt. 30-34

tel/fax: +36-62-544179

Research and teaching is focused on the history of philosophy. The main area of interest is the modern continental philosophy, but ancient Greek philosophy, Middle Ages and Renaissance thought are also taught in detail in the MA program in philosophy. Among others hermeneutics, philosophy of science and language, and applied philosophy are the important areas of research and teaching. The department has eighteen lecturers including (since 1994) Ágnes Heller. In philosophy of science András Kocsondi (models in sciences) and János I. Tóth (foundations and philosophy of biology and green movements) has a remarkable activity.

University of Szeged

Department of Psychology

Szegedi Tudományegyetem

Pszichológia Tanszék

H-6722 Szeged Petõfi sgt. 30-34

tel: +36-62-544509; fax: +36-62-544509

This department is interesting because of its prominent member, Csaba Pléh. His recent work mainly concentrates on the psychology and sociology of language, with special focus on the specificity of Hungarian. In sociolinguistics, his main interests are connected to the social stratification of Hungarian and its relationship to the dinamisms of language usage. His two other main topics are the theory of cognition and history of psychology and social science. He is working in close contact with representatives of other fields (biology, philosophy, computing science) in developing the framework of cognitive science in Hungary. Now he is the president of the Hungarian Philosophical Association and he has a position at the Department of Information Management of BUTE, as well.


University of Miskolc

Faculty of Humanities

Department of Philosophy, and Department for the History of Philosophy

Miskolci Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar

Filozófia Tanszék, Filozófiatörténet Tanszék

H-3515 Miskolc Egyetemváros

tel: +36-46-565111/1880 ext.

There are four faculty members and an emeritus professor (László Hársing) who work in philosophy of science or in fields closely associated with it. The main topics they work on include confirmation theory, the philosophy of cognitive science (Gábor Forrai), and the work of Imre Lakatos and Michael Polányi (Tibor Schwendtner). The undergraduate philosophy program includes a two semester core course on philosophy of science and several electives. The two departments also offer a graduate program in ethics and political philosophy, which includes a course on the methodological problems of the social sciences. Tibor Schwendtner works in the field of hermeneutics and science, especially Heidegger's ideas on sciences.


University of Pécs

Faculty of Humanities

Department of Philosophy, and Department for the History of Philosophy

Pécsi Egyetem

Filozófia Tanszék, Filozófiatörténeti Tanszék

H-7624 Pécs Ifjúság u. 6

tel/fax: +36-72-501515

The philosophy MA programme of these departments try to combine the analytic and the continental traditions based on a wide international cooperation. They have an annual Spring conference which concentrates on the works of a significant philosopher and offers discussions with her/his personal participation in it. Dennet, Rorty, and many others have already appeared in the Spring conference of Pécs. In philosophy of science and its related fields János Boros (pragmatism) and János Weiss (Frankfurt school) has some works.

PhD Programs in HOPOS-related fields

PhD School in History of Technology and Science at BUTE

Technika-, és Tudománytörténet doktori (PhD) iskola

There is a PhD program in history of science and technology (including history of philosophy of science) chaired by Márta Fehér ( with three sub-programs: history of technology and engineering (chair: József Németh), history of scientific methodology (chair: Tihamér Margitay), and social history of science (chair: Imre Hronszky) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Philosophy and History of Science. The program has each year 3-5 newly enrolled students.

At some other PhD program it is possible, however, not very frequent to choice an HOPOS-related topic. These are the philosophy PhD program at Eötvös University, Institute of Philosophy; Central European University, Department of Philosophy; and University of Debrecen, Institute of Philosophy; the logic program at Eötvös University, Institute of Philosophy, Department of Logic and Methodology of Science; and the cognitive PhD program at Eötvös University, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

Libraries and Archives

Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára

H-1245 Budapest Pf. 1002

tel: +36-1-4116100; fax: +36-1-3316954

email for inquire:

One of the largest scientific library of the country was founded in 1826. Its collection consists of about 2 million units including the best collection in Hungary in the field of history and philosophy of science. It has a separated collection of manuscripts (of important Hungarian scholars), a collection of old books and an Oriental collection. One of the most important scholars in the field of history of/and philosophy of science in Hungary, LászlóVekerdi, is applied as a librarian here. His interesting field overlaps the history of sciences, history of philosophy, philosophy of science, including its historical aspects, some real scientific activities, fiction, etc. In the last two decades he published (in Hungarian) Newton and Galilei biographies, many books and articles about various fields of his extraordinary interest. His latest collection was published under the title "Knowledge and Science".

· Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Lukács Archive and Library

MTA Lukács Archívum és Könyvtár

H-1056 Budapest Belgrád rakpart 2

tel: +36-1-3182414; fax: +36-1-3183577

In the last flat of Georg Lukács an archive was established to support the research of his philosophy and life. It is obvious that Lukács' did not contribute directly to the philosophy of science, but his works has many relevant chapters and ideas. Moreover, his relation to and influence on Mannheim, Polányi, Lakatos and other Hungarian thinkers are definitely significant and important. Time to time the Archive publishes manuscripts and books of Lukács.

Library of the Eötvös University

ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár

H-1053 Budapest Ferenciek tere 6

tel: +36-1-2665866; fax: +36-1-2664634

It has a relatively good collection of older books including the HOPOS-related fields. In the last decades only its periodicals can be considered as useful and significant.

CEU Library

H-1051 Nádor u. 9

tel: +36-1-3273000; fax: +36-1-3273007


The library holds the largest collection of English-language materials in social sciences and humanities in Central and Eastern Europe. They have fundamental and new materials in philosophy, history of philosophy and philosophy of science, as well.

National Széchényi Library

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár

H-1827 Budapest Budavári Palota F épület

tel: +36-1-2243700; fax: +36-1-2020804

This is the national library of Hungary. Its general collection consists of every book have been published in Hungary since 1712 and abroad (in Hungarian) since 1601 and newspapers and other periodicals. The library has many further collections (manuscripts, maps, music, early books, motion pictures, etc.) and different kind of librarian services (online catalogue, databases, etc.)

Seminars and Conferences

Philosophy of Science Seminar of the Department of HPS at EU

Tudományfilozófiai Szeminárium

H-1117 Budapest Pázmány sétány 1/a Room 6.54

tel/fax: +36-1-3722924

The seminar offers lectures (and their discussion) in every week of semesters in various fields (and combinations) of philosophy of science and history of science presented mainly in Hungarian or in English. Its foreign lecturers arrived from most of the European countries, USA, and Australia. If you are interested in it you can contact the organizer of the seminar, László E. Szabó (

Annual Conferences of Hungarian Cognitivists

MAKOG konferenciák

The annual conferences of the Hungarian Foundation for Cognitive Science are organized by the steering committee of the Foundation (George Kampis, Csaba Pléh, Péter Érdi, Vilmos Csányi, Tibor Vámos, Márta Fehér) in each year about different aspects of cognitive science. This year the conference focused on the problems of evolution and knowledge. ( However, the traditional cognitive science is almost insensible to the historical approaches, there appear ideas of history of philosophy of science and epistemology in every conference. The proceedings of conferences has been (irregularly) published.

Scientific Societies

Hungarian Philosophical Association (HPA)

Magyar Filozófiai Társaság (MFT)

H-6722 Szeged Petõfi sgt. 30-34

tel/fax: +36-62-425109


The association has about one thousand members, thematic sub-divisions (history of philosophy, phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy of science, etc.), a quarterly newsletter (MFT Hírek). The president of the HPA is Csaba Pléh (University of Szeged and BUTE), whose works cover the fields of history of psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, philosophy of science, and communication in information society. The secretary of the HPA is Sándor Laczkó (University of Szeged).

Michael Polanyi Liberal Philosophical Association (MPLPhA)

Polányi Mihály Szabadelvû Filozófiai Társaság

H-1111 Budapest Stoczek u. 2

tel: +36-1-4631181; fax: +36-1-4631042


The MPLPhA is aimed at discussing, translating and publishing Michael Polanyi’s philosophy of science. It was initiated by and associated to the Department of Philosophy and History of Science of BUTE, and it is now for ten years editing and publishing the periodical POLANYIANA in Hungarian and English versions, two issues/year. The MPLPhA has regular scholarly contacts with the British and US Polanyi Societies and exchanges materials with their periodicals Appraisal and Tradition and Discovery. The Association (the office of which is located at the premises of the DPHS of BUTE) is organizing workshops and conferences with international participation.

International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (ISHS)

Budapest Center at the Department of HPS of EU

H-1518 Budapest Pf. 32

tel: +36-1-3722949; fax: +36-1-3722924

The purpose of the ISHS is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international group of scholars. It has about one hundred members and two centers: Stony Brook Center (at SUNY, USA) and Budapest Center (at EU) of ISHS. The Budapest Center is managed by Olga Kiss (Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Administration, Department of Philosophy; email: and László Ropolyi (Eötvös University, Department of History and Philosophy of Science; email: Until now seven meetings of the ISHS were performed and several books were published in this approach. The two main lines within ISHS are: to consider hermeneutics as a specific philosophy of science, or hermeneutics as a tool of historical and textual analyses of sciences.

The Hungarian Division of IUHPS/DLMPS

Az IUHPS/DLMPS Magyar Nemzeti Bizottsága

H-1117 Budapest Pázmány sétány 1/a

tel/fax: +36-1-3722924

The division try to support HOPOS-related activities, however, it has strongly restricted implements. Its president is George Kampis (Department of HPS of EU, email:, its secretary is Gábor Forrai (University of Miskolc, email:

International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry)

H-1245 Budapest Pf. 994

tel: +36-1-3318326; +36-1-3123022; fax: +36-1-3313161


ISIS-Symmetry was formed in Budapest, in 1989. It is registered as a non-profit, international, non-governmental association. The interest of the Society covers any interdisciplinary, inter-cultural study of various aspects of symmetry and related concepts in science, art, and technology. The International Symmetry Foundation and the Institute of SYMMETRION, and the specialised symmetry related library, the SYMMETROTHECA are associated to the Isis-Symmetry society. The society publishes its quarterly journal called SYMMETRY: Culture and Science. The secretary of the society and director of the institute is György Darvas who has some activity in more traditional philosophy of science, too.

ELMOHA (Theory-Model-Tradition) Circle

ELMOHA (Elmélet-modell-hagyomány) kör


This is a non-formal, non-official friendly society of scientists, philosophers, philosophers of science. It was formed around Péter Érdi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Department of Biophysics; email: and János Tóth (BUTE; email:, now it has about 20 fellows. In the last ten years about twice in a year the circle has a meeting with lectures and discussions on the actual intellectual, cultural, ideological, or philosophical developments. Mostly philosophy of science provides a common language for the discussions of the circle. These discussions are frequent sources of books, papers, university courses.


Hungarian Natural History Museum

Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum

H-1083 Budapest Ludovika tér 6

tel: +36-1-2101085

The Hungarian Natural History Museum is the largest natural history museum in Hungary. The predecessor of the museum was established in 1802, the present form of it was set up in 1933. The museum has a departments of Zoology, Mineralogy and Petrology, Anthropology, Botany, Geology and Palaeontology, and Education.

Semmelweis Medical Historical Museum, Library and Archives

Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múzeum, Könyvtár és Levéltár

H-1013 Budapest Apród u. 1-3

tel: +36-1-3753533; fax: +36-1-3753936

Founded in 1951. It has a rich collection of books and periodicals.

National Museum for Science and Technology

Országos Mûszaki Múzeum

H-1519 Budapest Pf. 311

tel: +36-1-2044095; fax: +36-1-2044088

Founded 1954. It has a good collection without exhibition places. The former director of the museum was an excellent historian of chemistry, Ferenc Szabadváry; the present director, Éva Vámos besides the traditional historical themes works also in feminist approaches to sciences.

Hungarian Chemistry Museum

Magyar Vegyészeti Múzeum

H-8081 Várpalota Thury-vár Pf. 39

tel: +36-88-472391; fax: +36-88-471702


Founded in 1961, the museum is accommodated in a medieval fortress, standing on the central square of the town Várpalota. The main task of the museum is to search, collect, conserve, evaluate, and present the technical relics (objects, written documents, etc.) of the Hungarian chemical science, education and industry. The object collection consists of 8100 pieces, 37200 documents of historical value, and 8700 photo negatives. The stock of the library is over 16500 volumes.


Hungarian Philosophical Review

Magyar Filozófiai Szemle

H-1054 Budapest Szemere u. 10

tel: +36-1-3115443

Editors: Kornél Steiger, Ferenc L. Lendvai (email:, László Áron (email: This is the journal of the Philosophical Committee of HAS, a journal of philosophy (including philosophy of science) in academic style. Published in Hungarian, six issues/year by the Áron Kiadó.



H-1276 Budapest Pf. 129

tel/fax: +36-1-3119121


Editor: Miklós Hadas. This is a social science quarterly devoted to encourage intellectual debate and to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue between the different social sciences and humanities. Replika also publishes English language special issues every year. Replika has an e-column with papers on e-culture. The journal publishes frequently (original and translated) papers on philosophy of science, e.g. about Imre Lakatos, Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend, etc.

BUKSZ - Budapest Review of Books

BUKSZ - Budapesti Könyvszemle

H-1126 Budapest Németvölgyi út 6. III/2

tel/fax: +36-1-2122827; +36-1-2143770

email: and

Editor: Gábor Pajkossy. The journal (and its English edition) is a critical quarterly of the social sciences, which was founded in 1989. The journal combines rigorous, lively, and sometimes biting criticism with an open spirit of enquiry about new approaches in the humanities in Hungary and in the wider world. Its reviews and debates cover the fields of history and philosophy of science.

The World of Nature

Természet Világa

H-1444 Budapest 8 Pf. 256

tel/fax: +36-1-3187506

Editor: Gyula Staar. This monthly journal was founded in 1869 devoted to develop and publicize the scientific worldview. Papers on historical topics of natural sciences and mathematics appear in every issue, time to time together with philosophical analyses. The journal is an excellent realization of the recent ideas of public understanding of sciences. It has some special, thematic issues and a few issues in English as well.



H-4010 Debrecen Egyetem tér 1. Pf. 11

tel: +36-52-316666

Editor: Mihály Vajda. This is a Hungarian quarterly journal for philosophical essays edited and managed at the University of Debrecen, Institute of Philosophy. It prefers essays in a hermeneutical, phenomenological style, but they can be also included analyses of methodological and scientific problems.

Our Age


Romania 3400 Cluj, c.p. 273

tel/fax: +40-64-432154


Editors: Lajos Kántor, Andor Horváth, Szilárd Demeter. The monthly journal is published (in Hungarian) in Romania, in Kolozsvár (Cluj) as an important contribution to the Transsylvanian culture. Its publication policy is traditionally sensible to the problems of historical and philosophical aspects of sciences and scientific culture. Shorter translations and original papers of this fields can be regularly found in the journal.

Hungarian Science

Magyar Tudomány

H-1051 Budapest Nádor u. 7

tel/fax: +36-1-3179524


Editor: Vilmos Csányi. This journal was established in 1840, as a bulletin of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. After 1956 it became a monthly journal devoted to the purposes of public life of the Hungarian scientific community. Outlines of scientific problems or disciplines, reviews, public debates, methodological and administrative questions are the typical topics of the articles.



H-4010 Debrecen Pf. 34

tel: +36-52-530355


Edited by the Vulgus Research Group of HAS (Gábor Gulyás, Tibor Sutyák, Mihály Vajda, Tamás Valastyán) at the University of Debrecen. This is a new philosophical journal published five times in a year and spreading a fresh atmosphere in the Hungarian philosophical life. It has thematic blocks about specific philosophical problems formed from a collection of translated and newly written articles.


Atlantisz Könyvkiadó

H-1364 Budapest Pf. 287

tel/fax: +36-1-2663870; fax: +36-1-4065645


This publisher devoted to publish books in philosophy, history and social sciences. The following series of books (however, their classification is not very strict) have been published: philosophy of love, intellectual philosophy, classics in intellectual sciences, philosophy of history, methodology of history, Middle and Eastern European economic and social history, historians about Europe. They published some of Polányi's, Mannheim's, Lakatos', Husserl's, Duerr's works.

Akadémiai Kiadó

H-1519 Budapest Pf. 245

tel: +36-1-4648252; fax: +36-1-4648251


Earlier this publisher was the official publishing house of the HAS. Now its relationships to the HAS became weaker, however, the house publishes most of the academic journals, many scientific books in various fields of sciences, and dictionaries.

Jelenkor Kiadó

Central office: H-7621 Pécs Munkácsy Mihály u. 30/A

tel/fax: +36-72-314782; tel: +36-72-335767


Office: H-1081 Budapest Rákóczi út 59. II. 9

tel: +36-1-3133804; fax: +36-1-3230-376


Jelenkor Publishers Ltd. founded in 1993 and owned by six Hungarian writers, editors and translators whose main concern is to promote contemporary Hungarian poetry, fiction and philosophy, including their intellectual and international context. In philosophy the publisher prefers the postmodern and pragmatic authors. Our cultural quarterly, Hungarian Lettre Internationale is edited by an independent board.

Osiris Kiadó

H-1053 Budapest Egyetem tér 5 II/10.

tel: +36-1-2666560; fax: +36-1-2670935


This is the largest publisher in social sciences in Hungary. A few hundreds of books (primarily translations) appear in each year at the house. The publisher has different series of standard textbooks and fundamental studies for university students in many disciplines. Another series of (mainly translated) book has also maintained, e. g. Horror Metaphysicae, Library in Philosophy, Library in Cognitive Science, etc. Each of these series includes dozens of items.

Typotex Kft

H-1024 Budapest Retek u. 33-35

tel/fax: +36-1-3163759; tel.: +36-1-3162473


This publisher focuses on the books in natural sciences and mathematics and their related fields including foundations, philosophy and history of these sciences. In the last time the scope became broader: Typotex published the Hungarian translation of Lakatos' Proofs and Refutations, the Sokal-Bricmont book, and Darwin's, Dennet's, Hofstadter's and Pinker's famous works. A new series about history of natural philosophy is under preparation.

Áron Kiadó

H-1447 Budapest Pf. 487

tel./fax: +36-1-3131793

This is a very small publisher, but very active in philosophy and philosophy of science. The best collection of papers in philosophy of science, hermeneutics of science is the product of this house. At the publisher has appeared some German and English books and has been edited and published the academic philosophical journal, called Hungarian Philosophical Review.

Electronic Catalogue of the Hungarian Publishers

Magyar könyvkiadók elektronikus katalógusa

Its database mostly in Hungarian.


Most of the significant publishers have an own bookstores too, many times with some kind of extraordinary, customer-friendly services.

Atlantisz Book Island

Atlantisz Könyvsziget

H-1052 Budapest Pesti Barnabás u. 1


Besides the publisher own publication this shop represents one of the fastest and cheapest book import facilities in Hungary. Any book published in Europe and North America available here at a relatively good price.

Osiris Kiadó - Osiris könyvesház

H-1053 Budapest Veres Pálné u. 4-6

tel/fax: +36-1-266-4999


This bookstore has a good selection of books and periodicals in social sciences and humanities and it offers for students and teachers a save from the price of every books and periodicals.

Academic Bookstore at the CEU

H-1051 Budapest Nádor utca 9

tel: +36-1-3273096

fax: +36-1-302 3026


The CEU Academic Bookstore to serve the university community as well as other educational institutions in the area. It has the most extensive range of English language academic books available anywhere in Budapest and is also open to the general public.

Second-hand book-shops in Budapest

Antikváriumok Budapesten

This is Gábor Bálint's excellent collection - mostly in Hungarian.

Electronic Resources

Hungarian Electronic Library

Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár (MEK)


The Hungarian Electronic Library wants to be the central collection of the public-domain Hungarian electronic texts for educational, scientific research, and cultural purposes. It is under construction, at this moment contains about a few thousands items.

Hungarian Online Librarian

MIT-HOL? Magyar Internetes Tájékoztatás

This is an online reference service to find something .or at least where to look for it. Participating librarians receive your question by e-mail and the answer will arrive in your mailbox after a several hours, or in the worst case, within two working days.

Hungarian Philosophical Collection

A magyar nyelvû filozófiai irodalom adatbázisa

This is an (incomplete, but useful) database of Hungarian philosophy-related texts.


ChemoNet Informatikai Alapítvány

Chemonet is a Web forum organized mainly for Hungarian chemists and students. However, the links to Hungarian research sites and universities (involved in chemistry) as well as the ChemoNet Phonebook may prove useful for our foreign readers. Besides, you can find here a few articles, the contents of the Hungarian Journal of Chemistry, Chemical Communications (with abstracts of Ph.D. theses), short synopses of the inauguration lectures at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the articles of Polanyiana (periodical of the Michael Polanyi Liberal Philosophical Association), you can visit some "rooms" of the Hungarian Chemistry Museum, you can find Hungarian translations of classical scientific papers, and a collection of documents of natural sciences and history of sciences in Hungary.

Research Funding Agencies

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund

Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok (OTKA)

H-1087 Budapest Könyves Kálmán krt. 48-52

tel/fax: +36-1-2100167


It is the main funding agency in Hungary to support fundamental, international level scientific research programmes. Its budget is an independent chapter in the budget of the country, and elected, independent scientific boards and committees decide about its distribution among the applicants. The scope of the Fund covers every scientific discipline and it has a separated program for young scholars.

Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Fund

Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Alapítvány

H-1146 Budapest Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21

tel/fax: +36-1-3433913

This is a smaller but very active and useful fund to support a renaissance of the Hungarian culture. It has different sub-projects for this purpose including the science in teaching project which applies applications from history and philosophy of science.

Soros Foundation Hungary

Soros Alapítvány

1525 Budapest, Pf. 34

tel:+36-1-3150303; fax: +36-1-3150201


The Soros Foundation had an extraordinarily important role in the survival of Hungarian scientific research of the last two decades in the financial and ideological crisis. Its programmes ensured the conditions of existence for many scientists and scientific institutions. Now the foundation changed its goals so its sources no longer available for scientific purposes.

Ministry of Education

Oktatási Minisztérium

H-1884 Budapest Pf. 1

tel: +36-1-4737000; fax: +36-1-4737001

Time to time the ministry advertizes special projects like researches on the relations of the national cultural heritage and the challenge of our present-days. Following a very strict investigation of the applicants and their projects relatively high support can be awarded.