Eötvös University, Budapest

Pázmány P. sétány 1/A
Budapest, Hungary
Phone/Fax: (36-1) 372 2924
The web site of the seminar:
Philosophy of Science Seminar
Room 6.54 (6th floor)  Monday 4:00 PM


 7 May 4:00 PM 6th floor 6.54Language of presentation: English or Hungarian, depending on the audience.
Katalin Farkas
Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest

The limits of knowledge

This is a critical introduction into the ideas of Timothy Williamson's Knowledge and its limits  (Oxford Univ. Press, 2000), a book which is considered by many as the most original and significant contribution to epistemology in the last few decades.
Working on theories of knowledge has been a flourishing enterprise in  the twentieth century. Various versions of foundationalism, coherentism, causal theories, reliabilism, subjunctive theories, contextualist theories - and no doubt other theories - have been defended and criticised with great erudition. 
Williamson's book breaks a new path in approaching questions of knowledge. Here are some of the main claims of the book:
  • knowing is - contrary to what most contemporary theories of knowledge hold - a state of mind
  • the state of knowing is unanalysable to further constituents - it is, to use Williamson's terminology, a prime condition
  • hence it is not possible to give necessary and sufficient conditions for knowing - Gettierology was a waste of time
  • the state of knowing is explanatory in actions just like states of beliefs and desires are

 14 May 4:00 PM 6th floor 6.54Language of presentation: English or Hungarian, depending on the audience.
Péter Gnädig
Atomic Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest

Ki lehetett volna ,,találni'' a speciális
relativitáselméletet 50 évvel Einstein elõtt?
(Could special relativity have been "figured out" 50 years before Einstein?)

   Közismert, hogy az elektrodinamika törvényei teljes összhangban állnak a specialis relativitáselmelettel, sõt, Einstein éppen a ,,mozgó testek elektrodinamikájából'' jött rá a tér és idõ újszerû viszonyára. 
   Meglepõ azonban, hogy ezt a kapcsolatot már az elektrosztatika (Coulomb-törvény) és az egyenáramok (pl. egy hosszú, egyenes vezetõ) Ampere-féle mágneses tere magában rejti, s ez a kapcsolat elemi lépésekkel (az eltolási áramra, vagy az elektromágneses hullámokra való hivatkozás nélkül, s felsõbb matematikai apparátust mellõzve) felszinre hozható. 
   Megfelelõ töltéselrendezést választva néhány egyszerû lépés után eljuthatunk a Lorentz-kontrakciót, az idõdilatációt, az egyidejûség relativitását, az általános Lorentz-transzformációt és az elektromágneses térerõsségek transzformációs képleteit megadó formulákhoz. 
   Érdekes tudományfilozófiai kérdés, hogy ha mindez ennyire készen állt már az 1800-as évek közepén, akkor mi volt az a mozzanat, ami egy fél évszázadon keresztül még hiányzott a relativitáselmelet megfogalmazásához. Az elõadó véleménye szerint, a töltések ,,darabosságának'' felismerésére, az atomi részecskék felfedezésére kellett várni.

 21 May4:00 PM 6th floor 6.54Language of presentation: English or Hungarian, depending on the audience.
Panel Discussion
Balázs Gyenis*
Gábor Hofer-Szabó*
György Kampis*
Miklós Rédei*
László E. Szabó*
Péter Szegedi*
Márta Fehér**
*   HPS, Eötvös University, Budapest
** Philosophy, Technical University, Budapest

Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle

   No correlation without causation. This is, in its most compact and general formulation, the essence of what became called the Common Cause Principle (CCP). If two events A and B are (positively) correlated, p(A&B)>p(A)p(B), then either there is a causal connection between A and B that brings about the correlation or there is a third event C (common cause) that stands in a causal connection with A and B, and it is this C that causes the correlation, that is,

(1) p(A&B|C)=p(A|C)p(B|C)
(2) p(A&B|notC)=p(A|notC)p(B|notC)
(3) p(A&C)>p(A)p(C)
(4) p(B&C)>p(B)p(C)

  A part of the panelists believe that - although some slight modifications of the original Reichenbachian conception seem necessary - (1)-(4) express the proper mathematical formulation of our causal intuition, and are never violated in reality. Some others argue that Reichenbach's concept of common cause is completely pointless and does not apply for many correlations in our world.

Suggested readings:

 28 May 4:00 PM 6th floor 6.54Language of presentation: English or Hungarian, depending on the audience.
Márta Újvári
Philosophy, Budapest University of Economic Sciences

Time, Tense and the 'Indexical Fallacy' in McTaggart's Argument

   The tenser-detenser debate has got impetus from the new indexical, token reflexive analysis of tensed language which renders the truth conditions of tensed sentences in tenseless terms. According to detensers like Mellor and Poidevin what Taggart's argument shows is that the A-series account of time is a misconstrual leading to regress. Tenser E.J. Lowe, however, argues that the A-regress cannot even
have a start since it rests on the indexical fallacy of using compound tenses. His claim, roughly, is that temporal indexicals just like any other indexicals cannot be iterated without violating the contextual constraints on the use, as opposed to the mention, of indexicals. Further, Lowe claims that extending Taggart's fallacious argument to space and personality one could equally argue for the irreality of places and persons.
   I will show that Lowe's argument is incoherent. When introducing the indexical fallacy he makes appeal to the analogy between temporal and other indexicals. But when he defends the tensed view he makes appeal to Taggart's first two premises ( 1. time involves change essentially; 2.change can be explained only in terms of the A-series) which invite a disanalogy between temporal and other indexicals. So, the indexical fallacy cannot be repeated, pace Lowe, for space and person within the context of McTaggart's argument. Consequently, the threat of the irreality of places and persons does not arise along taggartian lines.
   The other conclusion with broader implications is that even the indexical analysis shows the specific metaphysical character of time in consonance with the metaphysical tradition.

The 60-minute lecture is followed by a 10-minute break. Then we hold a 30-60-minute discussion. The language of the presentation is indicated in the following way:
English, except if all participants speak Hungarian
The participants may comment on the talks and are encouraged to initiate discussion through the Internet. The comments  should be written in the language of the presentation.

The organizer of the seminar: László E. Szabó (email: