Last Modified: Fri Sep 15 16:11:53 JST 2000
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Home Page of Gen KUROKI
Contents: Search, Web Sites, Articles, Sokal&Bricmont, Social Text, References
Recent Additions
[2 February 2000]
The Skeptic's Dictionary: The Sokal Hoax, Last updated 04/29/99.
[2 January 1999]
Steve Fuller, Whose Style? Whose Substance? - Sokal vs. Latour at the LSE, A report on the 2 July 1998 Debate, Technoscience: Newsletter of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Fall 1998, Volume 11, Number 3.
[6 December 1998]
Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science, Revised English version of Impostures Intellectuelles, USA Edition, December 1998.
[6 December 1998]
Jim Holt, Is Paris Kidding? - The authors ridicule the pseudoscientific blather of some famous post-modern thinkers, The New York Times on the Web, 15 November 1998.
[6 December 1998]
Norman Levitt, Reflections on the Science Wars, Articles@Human-Nature.Com, 4 October 1998.
[22 November 1998]
The Science Wars Homepage, Sponsored by The Science Wars Monitor International.
[28 October 1998]
Mathematics and the "Science Wars", What's New in Mathematics, e-MATH, The Web Site of American Mathematical Society, 1 October 1998.
[28 October 1998]
The Alan Sokal Interview, The Philosophers' Web Magazine, Autumn 1998. This is an abridged version of the full interview, which appears in The Philosophers' Magazine, Autumn 1998.
Old Additions
- mathematical physics (equivalent to mathematical AND physics)
- (socially OR social) AND (constructed OR constructivism)
- (postmodern OR postmodernism OR pomo) NOT (education OR educated)
- Alan Sokal Articles on the ``Social Text'' Affair, maintained by Alan Sokal.
- Sokal Commentary and Discussion at H-NET, Humanities On Line.
- The Bielefelder `Science Wars' Petition: Science Wars Historic Archive at The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology. See also the discussion about the Petition in Sci-Tech-Studies ML, October 1996.
- The Sokal Affair Page in Information about Internet Resources in Social Theory, Organisation and Technology at Centre for Social Theory and Technology, Keele University, UK.
- Science studies and other forms of higher superstition in Issues of Upstream at Cycad Web Works. See also Feminist Algebra.
- Jason Walsh, The Sokal Affair - Sokal & Social Text
- Libération - Affaire Sokal (site en français, AltaVista Translations)
- La Recherche - L'affaire Sokal (site en français, AltaVista Translations)
- Sokal & Bricmont dans la presse francophone (par ordre chronologique)
(bibliographie, site en français, AltaVista Translations)
- Vittorio Bertolini site (sito in italiano, AltaVista Translations)
- Hans-Joachim Niemann's SOKAL page (in German, AltaVista Translations). A short summary of Impostures Intellectuelles (AltaVista Translations).
- Steve Butterworth, The Sokal Incident - A Physicist Investigates the Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Postmodern Faux Left.
- The Science Wars Homepage, Sponsored by The Science Wars Monitor International.
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- Alan Sokal, Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity, ``parody'' article, published in Social Text #46/47, ``Science Wars'', pp. 217-252 (spring/summer 1996)
- Andrew Ross (special issue editor), An Introduction to ``Science Wars'', Special Issue of Social Text, in the announcement of Social Text #46/47, spring/summer 1996.
- Alan Sokal, A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies, published in Lingua Franca, May/June 1996, pp. 62-64.
=== May 1996 ===
- R. H. Wheatley, The Postmodern Emperor, in What I Think, 10 May 1996.
- Linda Seebach, Scientist takes academia for a ride with parody, The Valley Times (Pleasanton, California), 12 May 1996 carried on New York Times Wire Service, 13 May 1996.
- George Andrews, Piltdown Man Wanders Halls, The Centre Daily Times, State College, Pennsylvania, 14 May 1996.
- Robert Siegel talks with Alan Sokal, a professor of physics at New York University, about his parody of practitioners of ``science studies'', 15 May 1996.
He tells how he deliberately wrote an article questioning the validity of
measuring physical ``reality'' using nonsensical phrases, and submitted it to
a well-respected academic journal. The editors published it as a serious
treatise, not realizing it was written as a joke.
(6:15) (Starts after 33 Minutes).
From NPR's All Things Considered, Requires Real Audio.
- Gary Kamiya, Transgressing the Transgressors: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Total Bullshit, appeared in Salon, 17 May 1996.
- Mitchell Landsberg, Physicist Pens Parody, Fools Journal, The Salt Lake Tribune from the Associated Press, 18 May 1996.
- Christine Stock, Parody gives Duke Press unsettling dose of reality, The News & Observer, 18 May 1996.
- Janny Scott, Postmodern Gravity Deconstructed, Slyly, The New York Times, 18 May 1996, front page.
- Andrew Ross, The Sokal hoax: Response by Social Text, from Derrida mailing list, May 1996.
- Debate in The New York Times
- Stanley Fish, Professor Sokal's Bad Joke [Op-Ed], The New York Times [Op-Ed], 21 May 1996, A23.
- Bruce Robbins and Andrew Ross (Co-editors of Social Text), Response to the Fish Op-Ed, The New York Times, 23 May 1996.
- Alan Sokal, Reply to Fish's NYT Op-Ed, Submitted to The New York Times, May 1996. Not printed in The New York Times.
- Robert Paul, Romps Smite Don, May 1996.
- Clement W. Meighan (emeritus professor of anthropology at UCLA), Comments on ``Science Wars'', in NAS Science News List Issue 5 of Vol III, 22 May 1996,
as discussed initially in the previous issue.
- Ruth Rosen, A Physics Prof Drops a Bomb on the Faux Left, Los Angeles Times, op-ed, 23 May 1996.
- McKenzie Wark, Physicist Opens Fire in the Science Wars, The Australian, 25 May 1996.
- Edward Rothstein, When wry hits your pi from a real sneaky guy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 27 May 1996.
- Sean Carroll, A Letter to Lingua Franca, 27 May 1996. As a philosophically-minded physicist who earns a living quantizing gravity (or trying to), I read Alan Sokal's article (Lingua Franca, May/June 1996) with mixed feelings. ...
- Roger Kimball, A Painful Sting Within the Academic Hive, The Wall Street Journal, 29 May 1996.
- Mailing Lists, May 1996.
- Michael Albert, Sokal 1, Z Magazine, 1996.
- Controversy over Spoof of Radical Sociology of Science, in AIP Center for History of Physics Newsletter, Spring 1996.
- Physicist Hoaxes Academic Journal, in The Flummery Digest, May 1996.
=== June 1996 ===
- Richard van Oort, How Real is Real? Reflections on the ``Sokal Debate'', From the anthropoetics page, 1 June 1996.
- Progressive Sociologists Network, June 1996
- Steve Fuller (Professor of Sociology & Social Policy at the University of Durham, United Kingdom), Post vs. Postmodern, A critical evaluation of the Washington Post, in PostMortem (Probing, puncturing, and dissecting the conventional wisdom of the Washington Post), Approximately 7 June 1996.
- EAS-INFO (Peter), The Sokal Affair, in Eng-Info Mailing List, Yale University, 10 June 1996.
- Editors, Philosophical spat mocks academia, in The Minnesota Daily Online, 11 June 1996.
- Katha Pollitt, Pomolotov Cocktail, The Nation, 10 June 1996.
- Gary Chapman, The Sokal Affair - Gary Chapman on the case of the prankster physicist, June 1996.
- Robin Markowitz, The Nutty Professor: Reaction to the Sokal Hoax, from Cultural Studies Central, June 1996.
- Virtual Physics, number 04, a compilation of several references from newsgroups, edited by Zbigniew Koziol and Michal Spalinski, 15 June 1996.
- Devin Gordon, Impact of Sokal 'hoax' discussed by experts, The Chronicle Online, 27 June 1996.
- Editorial, The Chronicle, So-kalled wit, The Chronicle Online, 27 June 1996.
- Ben Weiner, Some thoughts on the Alan Sokal / Social Text affair, 29 June 1996.
A parody paper in solid state physics, published in 1931.
=== July 1996 ===
- Peter Berkowitz, Science Fiction: Postmodernism Exposed, Can postmodernists take a joke?, The New Republic, 1 July 1996. Examines what `` say about the state of academic life that leading scholars were unable to distinguish serious argument from utter nonsense?''.
- Debate in Lingua Franca July/August 1996.
- Bruce Robbins and Andrew Ross (Social Text editors), An editorial response to Alan Sokal's claim in Lingua Franca, Lingua Franca, July/August 1996.
- Alan Sokal, Sokal's Reply to Social Text Editorial, Lingua Franca, July/August 1996.
- Mystery Science Theater, Letters from readers, Lingua Franca, July/August 1996. Contains Letters from Evelyn Fox Keller, from Steve Fuller, from Paul Boghossian and Thomas Nagel, from Franco Moretti, from Ellen Schrecker, from Peter Caws, from Teri Reynolds, from David Layton, from Lee Smolin, ans from George Levine.
- Articles in fj.soc.misc (in Japanese)
- Irving M. Klotz, Postmodernist Rhetoric Does Not Change Fundamental Scientific Facts, appeared in The Scientist, 22 July 1996.
- Dorothy Nelkin, What Are the Science Wars Really About?, published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 26 July 1996.
- What does Science Studies offer Science?, moderated by Bill Capehart, #GeekSpeak Discussion on IRC, 26 July 1996.
=== August 1996 ===
=== September 1996 ===
- Jean Bricmont, Postmodernism and its problems with science, LaTeX file written in the fall of 1996 for Archimedes, a journal for science teachers in Finland.
(DVI file, PS file)
- Joseph Carroll, T. H. Huxley and Steven Weinberg: Science and Culture at a Century's Distance, Society for Literature and Science, Annual Conference 1996, 3 September 1996.
- Paul Grobstein (Eleanor A. Bliss Professor of Biology, Bryn Mawr College), Two Cultures or One?, appeared in Science and Culture section of Serendip, 10 September 1996.
- Michael Albert, Sokal 2, Z Magazine, September 1996.
- David Peterson, Hook Line and Stinker, Z Magazine, September 1996.
- De Witt Douglas Kilgore, A Third Culture, Review of ``Technoscience and Cyberculture'' edited by Stanley Aronowitz, Barbara Martinsons, and Micahael Menser, New York: Routledge 1996, in electric book review 3, Fall 1996.
- Carlo Parcelli, Science smiling into its beard, or first full-dress encounter with evil: Revisitng the Sokal Affair, in PostMortem (Probing, puncturing, and dissecting the conventional wisdom of the Washington Post), before 7 Octorber 1996, maybe September 1996.
- News
From La La Land, The American Physical Association: New England Section Newsletter, Volume 11, Number 8, Fall 1996.
- Is modern physics the best example of socially constructed reality? Discussion in SSSITALK Discussion List, 24-25 September 1996. SSSITALK is the discussion list of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interation.
=== October 1996 ===
- Michael Holquist, Sokal's Hoax: An Exchange, The New York Review of Books, 3 October 1996. An Exchange about Steven Weinberg's response to the hoax by Michael Holquist, George Levine, M. Norton Wise, Nina Byers, and Steven Weinberg.
- Reports on Science Wars in The Notices of the American Mathematical Society, October 1996.
- Stanley Fish at Lagado University, Stanley Fish's visit to Lagado University in connection with the Sokal affair, 16 October 1996.
- Marc Abrahams, Ig-niting Controversy, in Notebook of The Scientist, 18 October 1996.
- Debate in Tikkun
- Bruce Robbins, Anatomy of a Hoax, published in Tikkun, September/October 1996, pp. 58-59.
- Jay Rosen, Swallow Hard: What Social Text Should Have Done, published in Tikkun, September/October 1996, pp. 59-61.
- Alan Sokal, Truth or Consequences: A Brief Response to Robbins, published in Tikkun, November/December 1996, p. 58.
- Alan Sokal, A Plea for Reason, Evidence and Logic, Transcript of a talk presented at a forum at New York University on October 30, 1996. It was reprinted in New Politics 6(2), pp. 126-129 (Winter 1997).
- Mailing Lists, October-November 1996.
- Barbara Epstein, History of Consciousness Board, Z Magazine, October 1996.
=== November 1996 ===
- Phillip E. Johnson, Pomo Science: Sometimes parody is the quickest path to revealing truth, 12 November 1996. A review of the Social Text ``Science Wars'' issue and The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age by John Horgan.
- Frederica Mathewes-Green, Deconstructing the cheshire cat, Religion News Service, 13 November 1996. Suggests that ``...the Sokal hoax is a great coup for the proponents of reality...''
- M. Balouka, Boundaries in the Sokal Affair, November 1996. Synopsis: ``...This affair provides a solid ground for studying the relations between language and cultural categories, along with an opportunity to examine the notions of fraud/transgression, falsehood, and the role of the implicite part of language.''
- David Warren Saxe, A Review of E.D. Hirsch, Jr.'s The Schools We Need & Why We Don't Have Them, New York: Doubleday, 1996, Network News & Views, November 1996.
- News Briefs, Staff Reports, 'Social Text' author to defend controversial article today, 21 November 1996.
- Ed Thomas, Professor critiques post-modernist thinkers, with photo of Alan Sokal, The Chronicle Online, 25 November 1996.
=== December 1996 ===
- James Mahon, Sokal betrays leftist cause with hoax, The Chronicle Online, 2 December 1996.
- Jeb Reed, Strict core impedes education of motivated students, The Chronicle Online, 3 December 1996.
- Disscussion about the famous silly quotes from Derrida in Sci-Tech-Studies Mailing List 1996, December 1996.
- Debate in The Times Literary Supplement
- Paul A. Boghossian, What the Sokal Hoax Ought to Teach Us - The pernicious consequences and internal contradictions of ``postmodernist'' relativism, The Times Literary Supplement, Commentary, 13 December 1996, pp.14-15.
- Steve Fuller, A Letter to the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 20 December 1996.
- Paul A. Boghossian, Response to Fuller's Letter to the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 10 January 1997.
- Debate in Dissent
- Alan Sokal, Transgressing the Boundaries: An Afterword, appeared in Dissent 43(4), pp. 93-99 (Fall 1996) and, in slightly different form, in Philosophy and Literature 20(2), pp. 338-346 (October 1996).
- Stanley Aronowitz, Alan Sokal's ``Transgression'' (with Alan Sokal Replies), published in Dissent, Vol. 44, No. 1, Winter 1997, pp. 107-110.
- Alan Sokal, Alan Sokal Replies [to Stanley Aronowitz], published in Dissent, Vol. 44, No. 1, Winter 1997, pp. 107-110.
- Meera Nanda, The Science Wars in India, Dissent, Vol. 44, No. 1, Winter 1997.
- Harold Fromm, My Science Wars, published in The Hudson Review, Winter 1997 (XLIX, No. 4), pp. 599-609.
- Barbara Epstein, Postmodernism and the Left, from New Politics, vol. 6, no. 2 (new series), whole no. 22, Winter 1997.
=== January 1997 ===
- Debate in Le Monde
- The 1996 Ig Nobel Prize.
LITERATURE: The editors of the journal "Social Text," for eagerly publishing research that they could not understand, that the author said was meaningless, and which claimed that reality does not exist. [The paper was "Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity," Alan Sokal, "Social Text," Spring/Summer 1996, pp. 217-252.]
- Timothy Druckrey, The Two Culture Redo, 7 January 1997.
- Arkady Plotnitsky, ``But It Is Above All Not True'': Derrida, Relativity, and the ``Science Wars'', with abstract, Postmodern Culture, Vollume 7, Number 2, January 1997.
=== February 1997 ===
- Discussion in Foucault Mailing List, February 1997.
- Thomas W. Durso, Sociologists Of Science Cautiously Optimistic On Jobs, The Scientist, Vol:11, #3, p. 1,9, 3 February 1997.
- Emmanuel Marin, Summary of Articles from Le Monde, 25 February 1997.
- Announcement of Science and Its Critics, A meeting to promote dialogue between the ``two cultures'', University of Kansas, Kansas Union Building, Big 12 Room, February 28-March 2, 1997.
=== March 1997 ===
=== April 1997 ===
- Alan Sokal, What the Social Text Affair Does and Does Not Prove, 8 April 1997, published in A House Built on Sand: Exposing Postmodernist Myths about Science, edited by Noretta Koertge, Oxford University Press, Spring 1998.
(Japanese translation)
- Andrew Donohue, Author of hoax article defends his decision, in The Minnesota Daily Online, 14 April 1997.
- Sharon Begley with Adam Rogers, The Science Wars, Newsweek, The 21 April 1998, reviewed in The Center for Science and Technology Policy and Ethics Newsletter, Volume 6 Number 6, May/June 1997.
- Paul R. Gross, The So-Called Science Wars And Sociological Gravitas, The Scientist, 28 April 1997.
- The Sokal Affair: A Postscript, Social Text #50, spring/1997.
- Andrew Ross, A Commentary, published in Social Text #50, spring/1997.
- Janet Atkinson-Grosjean, Science Studies: Beyond the Social Text hoax, 21stC, Issue 2.3 Sciences & Humanities: Special Section, Spring 1997.
- Jonathan R. Cole, Is the Enlightenment out of fashion?, 21stC, Issue 2.3 Sciences & Humanities: Counterpoint, Spring 1997.
=== May 1997 ===
- Subjectivity in Science, Commentary in a World-Wide Web Jornal naturalSCIENCE, 1 May 1997. The author said, "Logically, it is quite possible that there is nothing but our consciousness (the writers anyway), albeit of things that seem to imply an external world."
- Liz McMillen, The Science Wars Flare at the Institute for Advanced Study, The rejection of a Princeton professor divides scholars at the center that was once Einstein's intellectual home, published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 16 May 1997.
- Bruno Latour, From the Sokal affair to the Wise scandal, reply to Liz McMillen's article above, 21 May 1997.
- Suffolk University, Mathematics & Computer Science News, Spring 1997.
- Martin L. Michaelis, Akinetic Cosmology, a reply to Alan Sokal's Transgressing the Boundaries, May 1997, in T. Ward's page of the Sokal Affair at the School of Mathematics, University of East Anglia.
- Announcement of ``Across the Cultural Wars Trenches'' by Alan Sokal and Michael Berube, in Archive of Spring 1997 MillerComm Events for MillerComm Lecture Series published by Center for Advanced Study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- David S. Reynolds, The Humanities Crisis: Biography to the Rescue, in Words at This web page had been created before 26 May 1997.
- Discussion in Sci-Tech-Studies Mailing List, May-June 1997.
- Val Dusek, Forward of Bruno Latour's reply to Liz McMillen's article: ``From the Sokal affair to the Wise scandal'' (21 May 1997), 26 May 1997.
- Steve Fuller, Comments on the latest Latourian outburst, 27 May 1997.
- Lawrence Busch, The not so Wise decision, 27 May 1997.
- Steve Fuller, Re: The not so Wise decision, 27 May 1997.
- Lawrence Busch, Forward of Liz McMillen's article: ``The Science Wars Flare at the Institute for Advanced Study'' (from the Chronicle of Higher Ed., 16 May 1997), 27 May 1997.
- Brad McCormick, Re: The not so Wise decision, 27 May 1997.
- Bart Simon, (Fwd) `Science peace' workshop at Southampton, 5 June 1997.
=== June 1997 ===
- Theo Theocharis, When Did The Science Wars Start?, The Scientist, 9 June 1997.
- Nick Jardine and Marina Frasca-Spada, Splendours and Miseries of the Science Wars, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 28(2), 1997: 219-35.
- Philip Kitcher, A Plea for Science Studies, 1 June 1997, published in A House Built on Sand: Exposing Postmodernist Myths about Science, edited by Noretta Koertge, Oxford University Press, Spring 1998.
=== August 1997 ===
=== October 1997 ===
- Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Impostures Intellectuelles, Book published in French by Editions Odile Jacob, October 1997 (ISBN 2-7381-0503-3).
(AltaVista Translations)
You can read the first chapter in French.
(AltaVista Translations)
The book can be ordered on-line (from anywhere in the world) from or from FNAC.
The English edition will be published in the UK in July 1998 by Profile Books (available on-line from Internet Bookshop) and in the US in October 1998 by Picador USA, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Translations into Catalan, Chinese (Taiwan), Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), and Spanish are in the works.
For more information, see also the Alan Sokal web site.
- BEN MacINTYRE (The Times in Paris), Book has Left Bank burning, The Australian Online: Higher Education, 1 October 1997.
- Craig R. Whitney, Physicists Take Philosophers to Task in Paris, The New York Times, 4 October 1997.
- Jacques Treiner, Sokal-Bricmont: Non, ce n'est pas la guerre, Le Monde, 11 October 1997. Also available in English: Sokal-Bricmont: No, there is no war.
- Hubert Krivine, Quel impérialisme?,
Le Monde, 11 October 1997. Also available in English: Which imperialism?
- Jon Henley, Is French philosophy just a load of old tosh?, The Guardian Weekly, 12 October 1997.
- Joe Brennan, Goliath Again: "Flesh composed of suns! How can this be?" - `Do Crossword Puzzles', 14 October 1997. In L'Affaire SOKAL: A Modest Intro, FlashPoint Spring 1998, Web Issue 2.
- Sara Henley, Are French thinkers lost in dromospace?, Boston Globe Online / Offbeat news, 16 October 1997.
- Jean Bricmont and Alan Sokal, The Furor over Impostures Intellectuelles - What is the fuss all about?, Published, under the title "What is all the fuss about?", in the Times Literary Supplement (London), 17 October 1997, p. 17. The bibliographical footnotes did not appear in the TLS, but are included here for the convenience of the reader.
=== November 1997 ===
=== December 1997 ===
- Jean Bricmont, Science studies - what's wrong?, PhysicsWorld, Volume 10, No. 12, December 1997.
See also Debate in PhysicsWorld.
- Michel Sauval, Science, psychoanalysis and post-modernism, published in the number 6 of the magazine Acheronta, December 1997. This article is written in Spanish in order to explain a detail of the affair for the Hispanic public. But you can also read its English translation.
- You can't follow the science wars without a battle map, The Economist, 13 December 1997.
- Jon-K Adams, Ad Scientiam: The Appeal to Science, Node9, An E-Journal of Writing and Technology, Volume 1, 21 December 1997.
This paper was submitted via E-mail to this page at 11 September 1997 and given at the annual conference of the German Society for American Studies and mainly about the rhetorical strategies of scientists in the Science Wars, in particular, C.P. Snow, Alan Sokal, Jerry King, Paul Gross and Norman Levitt, and Steven Weinberg.
=== January 1998 ===
=== February 1998 ===
- Mike Holderness, Taking candy from a baby? - Spoofer Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont target Impostures Intellectuelles, New Scientist, Vol. 157 No. 2121, 14 Febuary 1998.
- Vivek Padmanabhan, Sokal demonstrates lack of communication in scientific societies, The Chronicle Online, 24 February 1998.
- Voices from the Collective: Left Conservatism, Bad Subjects, Issue #36, February 1998.
- Michael E. Gorman, Transforming Nature, Kluwer Academic Press, expected publication September 1997, last edited at 24 February 1998. See Chapter 2.2: The Scientific Method: Road to Truth or Superstitious Practice?
=== March 1998 ===
- J. Bradford De Long, Stanley Fish at Lagado University, 10 March 1998.
- Madhusree Mukerjee, Undressing the Emperor - Physicist and Social Text prankster Alan Sokal fires another salvo at thinkers in the humanities, Scientific American, March 1998.
- Matt Wray, Left Conservatism: A Conference Report, Bad Subjects, Issue #37, March 1998.
- Bruce Robbins, Science-envy: Sokal, science and the police, Radical Philosophy - A journal of socialist and feminist philosophy, No. 88, Mar/Apr 1998.
=== April 1998 ===
- Harry J. Lipkin, The Real Answer to Post-Modern Multiculturalism, in APS Letters, The American Physical Association: APS News, Volume 7, No. 4, April 1998.
- Debate in PhysicsWorld
- Harry Collins, What's wrong with relativism?, PhysicsWorld, Volume 11, No. 04, April 1998.
- Nuno Barradas, Striking back at sociology, PhysicsWorld, Volume 11, No. 05, May 1998.
=== May 1998 ===
=== June 1998 ===
=== July 1998 ===
- Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Intellectual Impostures, English version of Impostures Intellectuelles, UK Edition, July 1998.
- Debate in London Review of Books
- Richard Dawkins, Postmodernism Disrobed, a book review of Intellectual Impostures (by A. Sokal & J. Bricmont), Nature, Vol. 394, No. 6689, pp.141-143, 9 July 1998.
- Christopher Norris, Book Review of Intellectual Impostures: postmodern philosophers' abuse of science by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, The Independent Books: Non-Fiction, 18 July 1998.
=== August 1998 ===
- Intellectual Impostures, Richard Harter's World, 1 August 1998.
- Intellectual Impostures in alt.arts.books, 27/July-12/August 1998.
- Logic and Rape in, 5-13 August 1998.
- Alain de Botton, What is Academia for?, Prospect, August / September 1998.
- Revenge on Postmodernism, PhysicsWeb - WebWatch: 14 August 1998.
- William Faris, Imposteurs intellectuelles--A Book Review, Notices of the AMS, Volume 45, Number 7, August 1998. Available in PDF and PS formats.
=== October 1998 ===
- Mathematics and the "Science Wars", What's New in Mathematics, e-MATH, The Web Site of American Mathematical Society, 1 October 1998.
- Norman Levitt, Reflections on the Science Wars, Articles@Human-Nature.Com, 4 October 1998.
- The Alan Sokal Interview, The Philosophers' Web Magazine, Autumn 1998. This is an abridged version of the full interview, which appears in The Philosophers' Magazine, Autumn 1998.
- Steve Fuller, Whose Style? Whose Substance? - Sokal vs. Latour at the LSE, A report on the 2 July 1998 Debate, Technoscience: Newsletter of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Fall 1998, Volume 11, Number 3.
=== November 1998 ===
=== December 1998 ===
=== April 1999 ===
- Alan Sokal, Alan Sokal Articles on the ``Social Text'' Affair.
- Alan Sokal, Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity, ``parody'' article, published in Social Text #46/47, ``Science Wars'', pp. 217-252 (spring/summer 1996)
- Alan Sokal, A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies, published in Lingua Franca, May/June 1996, pp. 62-64.
- Alan Sokal, Reply to Fish's NYT Op-Ed, Submitted to The New York Times, May 1996. Not printed in The New York Times.
- Alan Sokal, Sokal's Reply to Social Text Editorial, Lingua Franca, July/August 1996.
- Jean Bricmont, Postmodernism and its problems with science, LaTeX file written in the fall of 1996 for Archimedes, a journal for science teachers in Finland.
(DVI file, PS file)
- Alan Sokal, A Plea for Reason, Evidence and Logic, Transcript of a talk presented at a forum at New York University on October 30, 1996. It was reprinted in New Politics 6(2), pp. 126-129 (Winter 1997).
- Alan Sokal, Truth or Consequences: A Brief Response to Robbins, published in Tikkun, November/December 1996, p. 58.
- Alan Sokal, Transgressing the Boundaries: An Afterword, appeared in Dissent 43(4), pp. 93-99 (Fall 1996) and, in slightly different form, in Philosophy and Literature 20(2), pp. 338-346 (October 1996).
- Alan Sokal, Alan Sokal Replies [to Stanley Aronowitz], Published in Dissent, Vol. 44, No. 1, Winter 1997, pp. 107-110.
- Alan Sokal, Professor Latour's Philosophical Mystifications, [Published, under the title "Why I wrote my parody" and with the unfortunate omission of a key paragraph, in Le Monde, 31 January 1997. Translated from the original French by the author.]
- Alan Sokal, What the Social Text Affair Does and Does Not Prove, 8 April 1997, published in A House Built on Sand: Exposing Postmodernist Myths about Science, edited by Noretta Koertge, Oxford University Press, Spring 1998.
(Japanese translation)
- Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Impostures Intellectuelles, October 1997.
- Jean Bricmont and Alan Sokal, The Furor over Impostures Intellectuelles - What is the fuss all about?, Published, under the title "What is all the fuss about?", in the Times Literary Supplement (London), 17 October 1997, p. 17. The bibliographical footnotes did not appear in the TLS, but are included here for the convenience of the reader.
- Jean Bricmont, Science studies - what's wrong?, PhysicsWeb - PhysicsWorld, Volume 10, No. 12, December 1997.
- Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Intellectual Impostures, English version of Impostures Intellectuelles, UK Edition, July 1998.
- Social Text is a North-American cultural studies journal started by Fredric Jameson and Stanley Aronowitz 1978. For more information, see the information page.
- Andrew Ross:
Professor of Arts & Science Faculty, New York University. Ph.D. 1984 (English and American literature), Kent (Canterbury); M.A. 1978 (literature), Aberdeen. His major interests are media and cultural studies; intellectual history; social and political theory; science; ecology and technology.
- A brief biography of Andrew Ross at alt.culture site
- Andrew Ross 1956 on Ithaca College Library Online Catalog and Electronic Resources
- NYU Arts & Science Faculty Profiles - American Studies
- Andrew Ross, Science Wars: toward a Critique of Scientific Rationality, Difference Engine 1, 10 April 1995.
- Andrew Ross, Science Backlash on Technoskeptics - Culture Wars Spill Over, Featured in The Cultural Studies Times, Reprinted with Permission from the October 2, 1995 issue of The Nation.
- Andrew Ross, Hacking Away at the Counterculture, Postmodern Culture, Volume 1, Number 1, 1990.
- Stanley Fish:
Professor of English and law at Duke University and executive director of the Duke University Press, which publishes the journal Social Text.
- Stanley Aronowitz:
Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Cultural Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
- Biography of Stanley Aronowitz, in Speaker Biographies of Society and the Future of Computing '96, June 16-19, 1996, Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah. Unfortunately, this conference has been CANCELLED.
- Stanley Aronowitz, The Death and Rebirth of American Radicalism, Routledge 1996.
- Stanley Aronowitz, Bringing Science and Scientificity Down to Earth, The Debate Over Science Studies, with response by Norman Levitt, The Cultural Studies Times, 1997.
- Joseph Rouse, What Are Cultural Studies of Scientific Knowledge?, Configurations, 1.1 (1993) 57-94.
- T. Hugh Crawford, An Interview with Bruno Latour, Configurations, 1.2 (1993) 247-268.
- Illuminating conversations with one of France's most respected- and controversial--philosophers, Announcement of ``Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time'' by Michel Serres with Bruno Latour, translated by Roxanne Lapidus, University of Michigan Press, Spring 1995.
- The Cultural Studies Times
- Andrew Ross, Science Backlash on Technoskeptics - Culture Wars Spill Over, Featured in The Cultural Studies Times, Reprinted with Permission from the October 2, 1995 issue of The Nation.
- Norman Levitt, The World's Highest IQ (and Other Damned Souls), The Debate Over Science Studies, with response by Stanley Aronowitz, The Cultural Studies Times, 1997.
- Stanley Aronowitz, Bringing Science and Scientificity Down to Earth, The Debate Over Science Studies, with response by Norman Levitt, The Cultural Studies Times, 1997.
- The Cultural Studies Central, by Robin Markowitz.
- Sci-Tech-Studies Mailing List in VEST
- Social Studies of Science, An International Review of Research in the Social Dimensions of Science and Technology.
- The Bielefelder `Science Wars' Petition: Science Wars Historic Archive at The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology. See also the discussion about the Petition in Sci-Tech-Studies ML, October 1996.
- David Edge, Exchange in the journal Science, Social Studies of Science, Vol. 27 (1997), 000-000 [ISSN: 0306-3127], arrived at EASST, April 1997.
- David Edge, To the editor of Science: Scientific Misconduct.
- Steve Fuller, Two Cultures II: Science Studies Goes Public, EASST Review, March 1995.
- David Edge, The Umpire Strikes Back.
- Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt, Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994, 315 pp., US$25.95, ISBN 0-8018-4766-4.
- Science studies and other forms of higher superstition in Issues of Upstream at Cycad Web Works.
- Jeffrey Shallit, Leftist Science & Skeptical Rhetoric, Skeptic vol. 3, no. 1, 1994, pp. 98-100.
- Tom Athanasiou, Science Wars? - A Book, a Conference, and a Bit of a Polemic, in Red Rock Eater Newsletter, 18 November 1995.
- Gary McGath, Review of Higher Superstition, 22 November 1995.
- Brian Martin, Social Construction of an `Attack on Science', Social Studies of Science, Vol. 26, No. 1, February 1996, pp. 161-173.
- William R. Freudenburg, And The Debate Goes On ... "Gross, Levitt, Waste Wars and Witches: Diversionary Reframing and the Social Construction of Superstition", with Responses to Freudenburg by Norman Levitt and Paul Gross, Technoscience: Newsletter of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Spring 1996, Volume 9, Number 2.
- Rob Pike, Review of Gross and Levitt's ``Higher Superstition'', written for Skeptical Eye, the newsletter of the National Capital Area Skeptics. Forwarded to ``grand-unification-theory'' mailing list by Wendell Craig Baker, 24 May 1996.
- Alan Cromer is Professor of Physics at Northeastern University. His books include Uncommon Sense, Physics in Science and Industry, Physics for the Life Sciences, and Connected Knowledge. He has extracted various book reviews of Connected Knowledge.
- Book Review of Alan H. Cromer's ``Connected Knowledge'': A lively look at the nature of scientific thinking and the state of science education in America, Oxford University Press, March 1997.
- Douglas R. O. Morrison, Bad Science, Bad Education: Reviews of A. K. Dewdney's Yes, We Have No Neutrons and Alan Cromer's Connected Knowledge, Scientific American, November 1997.
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