
The Revolution That Didn't Happen
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Perhaps Kuhn came to think that scientists in one period of normal science generally do not understand the science of earlier periods because of his experience in teaching and writing about the history of science. He probably had to contend with the ahistorical notions of scientists and students, who have not read original sources, and who believe that we can understand the work of the scientists in a revolutionary period by supposing that scientists of the past thought about their theories in the way that we describe these theories in our science textbooks. Kuhn's 1978 book4 on the birth of quantum theory convinced me that I made just this mistake in trying to understand what Max Planck was doing when he introduced the idea of the quantum.

It is also true that scientists who come of age in a period of normal science find it extraordinarily difficult to understand the work of the scientists in previous scientific revolutions, so that in this respect we are often almost incapable of reliving the "gestalt flip" produced by the revolution. For instance, it is not easy for a physicist today to read Newton's Principia, even in a modern translation from Newton's Latin. The great astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar spent years translating the Principia's reasoning into a form that a modern physicist could understand. But those who participate in a scientific revolution are in a sense living in two worlds: the earlier period of normal science, which is breaking down, and the new period of normal science, which they do not yet fully comprehend. It is much less difficult for scientists in one period of normal science to understand the theories of an earlier paradigm in their mature form.

I was careful earlier to talk about Newtonian mechanics, not Newton's mechanics. In an important sense, especially in his geometric style, Newton is pre-Newtonian. Recall the aphorism of John Maynard Keynes, that Newton was not the first modern scientist but rather the last magician. Newtonianism reached its mature form in the early nineteenth century through the work of Laplace, Lagrange, and others, and it is this mature Newtonianism—which still predates special relativity by a century—that we teach our students today. They have no trouble in understanding it, and they continue to understand it and use it where appropriate after they learn about Einstein's theory of relativity.

Much the same could be said about our understanding of the electrodynamics of James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell's 1873 Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism is difficult for a modern physicist to read, because it is based on the idea that electric and magnetic fields represent tensions in a physical medium, the ether, in which we no longer believe. In this respect, Maxwell is pre-Maxwellian. (Oliver Heaviside, who helped to refine Maxwell's theory, said of Maxwell that he was only half a Maxwellian.) Maxwellianism—the theory of electricity, magnetism, and light that is based on Maxwell's work—reached its mature form (which does not require reference to an ether) by 1900, and it is this mature Maxwellianism that we teach our students. Later they take courses on quantum mechanics in which they learn that light is composed of particles called photons, and that Maxwell's equations are only approximate; but this does not prevent them from continuing to understand and use Maxwellian electrodynamics where appropriate.

In judging the nature of scientific progress, we have to look at mature scientific theories, not theories at the moments when they are coming into being. If it made sense to ask whether the Norman Conquest turned out to be a good thing, we might try to answer the question by comparing Anglo-Saxon and Norman
4 Thomas S. Kuhn, Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894- 1912 (Oxford University Press, 1978). (back)

